As some of you may have noticed I havenapos;t been posting much lately, just a tidbit here and there. Well, there has been a lot going on in my life, and I havenapos;t really wanted to focus on it much. But things are better now, so Iapos;ll fill you in on whatapos;s been happening.
Around February I had to quit school for financial and health reasons. I had been trying to work full time and attend school full time. Combine this with extremely unhealthy work conditions and Black Mold in my apartment... You begin to get an idea of the shit I was going through. Iapos;d been getting sick A LOT and because of that I had to take a break from school. The plan was to take one or two semesters off, save up some money and come back to finish off school. I had been doing really well in school, mostly A+ work.
Well, my health didnapos;t get any better. In fact due to the poor work conditions (cold, damn and chemical filled) my health got steadily worse. After several sick days I came back to work and was told that while they were sorry my health was poor they had no choice but to "let me go". So now I have no school AND no job. I applied to several places and got some temp work, but it wasnapos;t enough... I got evicted from my apartment. (I loved that apartment) So now I have no school And no job AND no place to live. So I put everything in storage and moved into my truck. I started getting more work from the Temp agency and also applied to just about every place I could think of. Byrdie helped me get my truck more livable, then i ended up helping her move into a new apartment. I started applying to jobs in the area around her apartment, seemed like a good idea. I also decided that since things were going so shitty that I was going to do something I donapos;t usually do... Celebrate my birthday. I havenapos;t really done that in years, and for the most part it has sucked rocks when ever i have tried. But I needed, NEEDED this to work. So I posted in peoples profiles and called and invited everyone I could think of to join Byrdie and I for diner and an Afghani restaurant. It was great. Around eight people were able to make it, I got prezzies and had company, got hugged and groped and in general had a BLAST. One of my prezzies was a prepaid cell phone. Now I had a good number for prospective jobs to reach me at. The offshoot of which is that I got a job working for a thrift store about a block from Byrdies place. Iapos;ve been spending some nights at her place (most nights really) some nights with friends and some nights in my truck. So I do have access to showers and laundry. YAY
That brings us up to today. I got up and played a little bit of a game at Byrdies, then we went to the bank and cashed a check. Across the street was a radio station (92.5) doing a ticket give away for one of there "House parties". The bands that are going to be there are the Sugar hill gang, Tone Loc and Nelly. So Byrdie and I got in line and spun the wheel to see if we won. Byrdie went first and got a "Sorry", then I spun and WON TICKETS So on the 4th of November we are going to a party. Then we went across the street to get some "Subway" and found out that the guy behind the counter was a cool Juggalo named "Short". We shot the shit a little and then sat down near the window to eat. I had purchased a prime rib foot-long Sub with double meat and a fuck-load of tomatoes and veggies. As soon as I sat down though I noticed a homeless guy outside. Skinny, old and tired too, he seemed to be mildly broken physically as well. I looked at him, then down at my huge Sub.. Took one half and wrapped it up and walked outside to him. I said Hi and spoke with him a little, offered him the Sub and told him it had just been made. (Some people try to poison the homeless so the homeless tend to be leery of being offered food) We talked a little longer and then parted ways, he to go eat his sandwich and me to eat mine. However, not 2 minutes after I sit down again a 10 year old girl ended up tripping over herself in the restaurant and fell HARD on her knee. I get up to look (having heard the noise and crying) and see the childapos;s mom holding her while the "dad" stood there doing nothing. So I went back to the table, grabbed the plastic sleeve the Sub came in and filled it up with ice from the soda fountain. I offered to the kid and got her to start talking (and stop crying) then went back to my sandwich while the young girl (named Makayla) sat on the floor holding the ice on her knee and smiling.So Byrdie and I finish up eating and got ready to leave when a man stood up and tapped me on my shoulder as I passed his table. He told me that his daughter (this isnapos;t the one who hurt her knee) had seen me giving the homeless man half my Sub and wanted to let me know that she acknowledged it and wanted to say "thanks".
I always feel awkward in situations like this... I never know what to say. But I stumbled through my "thank you" and we left the "Subway". Next on our list of things to do was stop off at the local "Radio Shack". We go in and our favorite clerk is there, a nice young guy named Kevin. (Heapos;s a cutie too) We got more minutes for my phone and talked with him a while, then walked with him to where he was getting lunch. Where was that pray tell? Back at Subway So while we were there we asked "Short" to show us his wraith tattoo. Introductions were made all around and then kevin got his food and we left. He headed back to work and we started store hopping. In a pawn shop up the street I got a "Whoop, whoop" from a Juggalo that walked in. That always gets a smile on my face. We got back to my truck, hopped in and drove to the HT asian market. I picked up a bunch of noodle bowls and some Russian soda, and while we were there we met a couple. While not quite Juggalos they were fans of I.C.P. So it was all cool. Conversation ensued and we continued to talk for about 45 minutes with them.
We finally begged off and headed out again, this time to the Northgate mall. We shopped around and just walked around in the mall a b it. Honestly the only bad thing was my feet were hurting pretty bad by then.
Then we headed back to Byrdies place. So YAY for great days out and about with my Girl. After the last few months Iapos;ve had I really needed it. Thanks Byrdie for helping to make today so great1
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