+ Just a small update so everyone knows Iapos;m still alive.
+ What is this news Iapos;m hearing about Leah Dizon being pregnant? As in baby on the way? And married? I donapos;t know which oneapos;s more shocking.
+ What good music is out? I havenapos;t been checking updates for the few days apart from those that I already know I want to download. And there seems to be quite alot of comebacks/debut albums/popular albums coming out this month.
+ I want to buy Epik Highapos;s "LOVESCREAM" I absolutely love that album, itapos;s been on replay for days in the background while I work.
+ Who saw the newest "Twilight" trailer? Itapos;s tempting just to not go and watch it now. Seriously, the world of Twilight Iapos;ve created in my head is just fine -- a movie done the wrong way is really not what I want. The promo stills coming out are pretty, but the acting... Itapos;s so-so. Plus is it me, or do all the scenes seems to be during the day? I know the vamps can go out in teh sunlight but Iapos;m sure some scenes were nearing the evening, or twilight -- which the sky starts to darken.
+ Two more days til "Max Payne" hits the cinemas. I havenapos;t been to see a good film in ages - since "The Dark Knight" actually because "The Duchess" wasnapos;t really all that.
+ Iapos;ve been addicted to reading, and it seems nearly everything I pick up has some historical background/reference, so Iapos;ve had to spend time on Wiki before I can finish. My history sucks. Big time. I know nothing, absolutely nothing on the European Renaissance. I didnapos;t even know there were two - on in the 12th and the 16th century. No wonder why I couldnapos;t catch onto anything.
+ Iapos;m doing this intensive English Language and Lit course (because my previous A-Level was for English Lang) and guess what book I have to study? Dracula. Bram-fucking-Stoker. What is wrong with this world, I even have to study vampires at school. Plus this is the pure old fashioned, garlic, crucifixes, daylight stuff. Ergh. And I have to read the whole book. Again.
+ Nothing Iapos;ve just said is remotely significant to anything
+ Oh Anime season is back up "Vampire Knight" was back. Kaname was still as creppy and wow, he needs to tone down on the arrogance. BUT Wakeshima Kanonapos;s ending theme is amazing I love it even more than "still doll" and Iapos;ve even pre-ordered this single. The opening theme isnapos;t as catchy as the previous one, lets hope I get used to it. "Ga-Rei Zero" has been my favourite this season, although keeping has itapos;s problems.
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